Welcome to Calm & Creative…

candlesMelbourne’s Carmen Warrington is well known to audiences globally as the voice
of peace, through her guided meditations and ambient songs.

She is also the bestselling author of two inspirational books Today I will... and Today I am... She presents Sounds of Peace concerts and also conducts Soundbaths, featuring the enchanting sounds of crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes and her soothing, ethereal voice.

There's plenty of information on the website. Please subscribe to Carmen's Peace Audio newsletter for occasional updates and news. Thank you for visiting.

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Carmen’s Meditations & Music

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Books: “I love your Today I Will book – I’ve found it not only helpful, but uplifting and inspiring. “ Carli Jeffrey
Soundbath: “I experienced a beautiful blue light … a place I’ve never been before. The blue light was singing into me. I feel completely different … wonderful … so peaceful”. Beverley, grandmother
Soundbath“There were waves of energy going through me, and I felt the sound releasing physical blocks in various parts of my body.” Eduardo Diaz, Pranic Healer
Celebrant “In asking us many “deep and meaningful questions” you instigated open discussion by all four of us. We greatly appreciate the opportunity this gave us to develop a better understanding of each other. Following the service, we have had many comments on the obvious amount of time you had taken in the preparation of the service and how truly it reflected our Mum.”  Lee Avis Jacqui Ronda
Meditations: “I have several of yr meditations and they are the best. I play one cd at night at bedtime… you have a fantastic calming voice.” Jan
Concert: “What a fabulous concert. Haven’t enjoyed one as much, ever! Nobody wanted to go home. Joyous, fun, peaceful, funky…” Brian James
Meditations: “I just wanted to give you my heart felt thanks for having an Angels voice… I have been healing from a near death car crash and PTSD and your voice is like hearing the truth deep within…” Paul
Meditations: “I find your voice and delivery brilliant.” Amanda
Meditations: “Mesmerizing, sublime, and hauntingly beautiful. I wish the author made many more meditational stories like this one!! I was taken into another world, into less charted depths of me – filled with wonder and curiosity. The music in the background, the cover picture, everything was chosen impeccably and with love. Much love from me back to you.” Andrej, Slovenia via Insight Timer App
Books: “My partner and I read your book “Today I will …” I wanted to say how beautiful it was to sit at a park with her and read it. I also wanted thank you for writing such an inspirational book. It’s funny how the little things in life are so meaningful.” Ralph
Celebrant“Please accept my thanks, and those of Glenn’s family and friends, for the truly wonderful way you helped us to celebrate his life.  It was truly the story of Glenn’s life, and a fitting and beautiful way to say goodbye to a wonderful, flawed, beautiful, well-loved man.  Yours is a difficult job at times I imagine, and you do it with compassion and enormous grace.  Thank you.”   Alison Watts
Celebrant: “Your calm and gentle presence made Friday’s ceremony much easier for us. You were easy to work with: calm, reassuring and professional. We could not have asked for more.” Kim S
Concert: “I attended your presentation At Chapel off Chapel – mesmerizing and a wonderful afternoon! Thank you.” Heather B
Books: “I bought your book ‘today I will’, and over the years, sometimes diligently, often sporadically! I would randomly open a page and complete the task on that page. What I love about the book is that the tasks are absolutely achievable and do much to challenge and explore ourselves and humanity in general. It has helped me through some dark times but I find it easiest to use when I am feeling energetic and well.” Sharyn
Songs: “Beautiful Carmen, your superb and magical voice has been filling my home with the vibration of Angels over the past week. Everyone who has come into my home has been blessed by your wonderful CD. Everytime I listen to the beautiful music and lyrics I hear and feel something new. This is an inspiring and inspired message of Angelic blessings.”  Dee, Reflexologist
Meditations: “Hi Carmen, I just want to thank you for all the times you have restored and healed me through your wonderful guided meditations. You have made a huge difference and I recommend your meditations to all my clients being a psychologist. Thanks, again.” Debbie Admoni, Sydney, Australia
Concert: “Thank you again to you and David and FRIENDS for giving such a delightfully calming and inspiring concert on Sunday. OH the talent and loving energy eminating was incredible. An absolute TREAT and privilege to BE in the audience.” Annette
Meditations: “I heard you on the ABC a couple of weeks ago and based on what I heard I have already recommended your cds to many of my clients.” MH, Psychologist
Soundbath: “It was an amazing experience. I felt so light afterwards.” Maggie Smart    
Songs: “Hi I just wanted to tell you that your music is bringing so much peace to my dearest friend who is nursing her husband who is dying.Tanya
Soundbath: “I’ve never felt such deep peace, and mental clarity – suddenly I saw all the steps I need to take to get through next week’s challenges.” Barry Donaldson, Sales Manager
Meditations: “Carmen’s meditations are imbued with love and her soothing warm voice helps engender the peace and ease that we seek in meditation. I am sure they are beneficial on many levels including for health and wellbeing, as an assistance in personal development and for this seeking a spiritual connectedness. Having used them myself, and found personal benefits I can endorse them wholeheartedly. Carmen is an experienced and authentic teacher of meditation.” Dr Ruth Gawler
Celebrant“I commend you on the excellent way you conducted the whole service and the calming atmosphere you engendered to those who had suffered this terrible loss and those of us who had come to remember former friends and work colleagues.  Once again thank you.” Rex Harvey
Celebrant“Everyone said it was the most beautiful service they had been to.” T. Byrne
Meditations: “When I heard your voice it was as if you were in my head, talking to me, FOR ME. Life over the years has been stressful, I wanted to try to live again. … Today I have finished my work and sat in my chair plugged in my CD. Everytime I do this I either cry or smile..not sure why. I do this every day and feel a difference in my mind, heart and soul.” Jacqueline
Celebrant“thank you for the effort you put in for mum’s sevice. My family and friends enjoyed it very much. It was a lovely service I know mum would have enjoyed its simplicity. I have not seen my brothers weep since they were children, so it obviously hit the right note.” Julie M
Meditations: “I listened to the meditation on Qantas from LAX to Auckland the entire way including during my sleep. I have never arrived so refreshed.” Bonnie

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